Friday, February 22, 2008

Recycling With Pleasure

O.K. I read the blogs on recycling retro pillowcases into great handy tote bags, so I stopped by the local thrift shop and look what I found!  Pillowcases I would never use for a tote bag, but I would definitely use as pillowcases.  If you sleep on Victorian pillowcases will you have Victorian dreams?  I also found these napkins that I would never use for  a spaghetti feed.   I will recycle them just as they are and appreciate someone's lovely handwork.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why Sisters Are So Much Fun!

I'm lucky to have a sister like I do.  She always listens to my complaints, never reminds me to clean the house and sends me
Funky Monkey fabric on a whim. She always said yes when I wanted to play Barbie dolls.  Thank goodness for sisters.  

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day to all!  Here's a bit of nostalgia from Washington State University where my daughter and her beau attend school.  This dance card is from 1941 when boys had  to request in writing a dance from the girl.  That's romance!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Kauai Quilt Weekend More Quilt Show & Tell

Here's tireless Jeni finishing a quilt top made by Lisa Boyer for donation to  a local charity.

Eric Belmonte Charity Quilt

The No Nene Quilters finished this bright quilt for the Belmonte Golf tournament's silent auction fundraiser. 

Kauai Quilt Weekeend

The team of quilters from No Nene Quilt group got together this weekend and sewed their hearts out for local charities.  We enjoyed Susie T's tasty sour cream cinnamon bars too. Enjoy these pictures of  Julie Yukimura's stack & slash quilt. I love the colors. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Evolution of a Quilt Block

Our quilt group is doing a cooperative quilt with a tropical ocean theme.  I was given a 12 1/2" portion to sew with a fish design block.  I chose the tang fish as it is very easy to draw and I am not an artist!  I started with a the simple line drawing of a tang from The Handbook of Hawaiian Fish by Gosline & Brock.   I then traced the tang fish drawing on Steam a Seam Lite.  The spotted batik I received from daughter for my birthday was a perfect choice for the tang's body.  I enjoyed this evolution of a simple drawing into a quilt block.  This is why quilting is so much fun!

Let's Go Snorkeling Quilt

This quilt was finished by the No Nene Quilters. (Our local quilt group.) It is made from tropical fish blocks sewn by Susan Kinkki using her own hand-dyed fabric.  The No Nene Quilters thank Susan for this colorful quilt that will go to a local charity. 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

How Not To Photograph Quilts

I just read Lisa Boyer's tutorial on how to not photograph quilts.  It saved me from sending this photo to a top quilt book publisher. I'm very grateful. 

Stepping Stone Quilt Block

Sunday is my fun day to audition new quilt block patterns to see if I would like to do more than one. Nancy Mahoney's Stepping Stone Quilt Pattern was easy to piece and the results where impressive.