A sort of Pooh like day today, it's hot and I'm lazy. I need to finish basting a quilt. But first a visit to the hundred acre wood and a Pooh like quilt.

I found these Winnie the Pooh quilt blocks thrifting and I tried to fit them together best I can (as Pooh would say) and this is the result. The Eeyore block I couldn't fit on the front went on the back.

I felt bad there was a leftover piece, but my special sort of friend was glad for the something to take to the beach to lay on.
omg! where did you get that little cat, it is sooooooooo cute! mark busted out and paid to get my gammill back. when it returns, it comes with a laser lite; a large bobbin; a new 10' steel table with castors and it should run cherry. i am so stoked! i went to the pain clinic on last friday and i am getting 30mg of morphine three times a day...i can finally walk a bit and get more done. my knees feel tight but they dont hurt so bad i want to cry. i made a really nice wall hanging (wow) for a sample i am taking to a quilt shop that carries my hand dyes in escanaba. tomarrow a.m. i will bind it. i will take a picture and put up on blog tomarrow or the next day. i want to do a king size wow in all hand dyes but i will do the 9" or 12" block vs those 6" which are awesome but takes forever to make a big quilt. the pooh quilt is great!
Dear sis
Now you need to find a little girl or boy who loves pooh! i like the whimsy of the quilt and the fact that eeyore is relegated to the back of the quilt.Your friend with the beach blanket is cute!!! Maybe even cute overload!!!
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