We have a great library in our area the Princeville Library. The Friends of the Library hold a book sale every 6 months to raise funds to buy new books. I thought the last thing I needed was another book, but thinking there might be some home improvement books to help with our cottage restoration we went to the book sale.

My husband found a The Home Depot Home Improvement Book and we needed that.

This book caught his eye, and I said that was more my style than the Orange Home Depot book, so I purchased it. When I got home and started reading the book, I noticed an inscription in the front of book, it read " To Mr. C.H. Porter with all good wishes E.T. Meredith" Des Moines, Iowa December 1926.

Just some old gentlemen gifting another, I thought.

Then I reached the back of the book with this Christmas Greetings from E.T. Meredith. For anyone that doesn't know who this is, he is founder of Better Homes and Gardens and his company Meredith Corporation still publishes this magazine and many more like Ladies Home Journal.

Can you tell I'm a fan of the PBS show "History Detectives"? Before his untimely death at 51 in 1928 Mr. Meredith was being considered as a Presidential candidate. The author of the book
Chelsa C. Sherlock was also first editor of Better Homes & Gardens.

The book has nice descriptions of historic houses with pictures like this one of Harriet Beecher Stowe' s house. I contacted the Meredith Corporation and I got a nice e-mail from Mell Meredith's assistant that they would like me to donate this to their archival library. Her assistant said they got a chuckle the book made a trip to Hawaii. I feel like a real official history detective with this library book sale find.
Dear Sis,
An amazing and wonderful find!You were your own history detective!People who only buy new things are missing out on all the fun. You've had some great Thrift finds over the years. Thank you for the great story
am i surprised?!! NO!!! remember that other old book you bought at the thrift shop, you almost didnt buy cause it was a little pricey...what was it $5...and it had that print in it. no, i am never surprised at what you find at thrift stores. today was beautiful! mark got both fences finished and mowed the yard plus the path thru the orchard and to the powerline trail. got to order stuff for class tomarrow. wow! it has dropped 20 degrees, now only 50.
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