This Sunday started out with an early walk in the woods below my house. The morning sun was filtering through the Norfolk pines. Down the path the bees were feasting on the sap of a tree.

It's amazing to see where honey comes from. The shell ginger in the meadow was blooming.

This was a funny coincidence because I had just finished a charity quilt using Kauaiana shell ginger fabric from the 80's in a quilt.

Here's a close up of the quilt and the fabric.

It is a great Sunday today.
the woods look lovely...we had a scene out of the "birds" here late this afternoon. the common grackle is migrating south and a flock of hundreds invaded the yard...kinda creepy. they sure airated the yard though. they have been moving south for about 2 weeks but this was by far the biggest flock to land all at once. its a good thing i made a fresh batch of suet cause they emptied both feeders and all the seed feeders for that. what do you think of new photos of max and tori...i cannot believe how much tori looks like me. mikko tried to tell me he didnt know if he could send tori this winter, forget that! me and mark will pay her airfare from los angeles to chicago and back, he can pay from kauai to los angeles. i miss her so much! talked to jeni today and she said you and joe will be go to wa to work on your little historical house again soon. cannot wait to see more photos of work in progress. have a grear week. xo susan
Hey sis, thanks for the walk in your Hawaiian woods. I loved the quilt and your picture of the shell ginger. Believe it or not I still have a kauaiana dress from the 80's. Maybe Angela would like it!
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